We’re halfway through our season, with five weeks to go before Giveaway Day on December 14!
Week 5 was very productive! We received 23 more bikes, bringing our total to 462. Race Pace mechanics were in the house again, and 87 more bikes have been safety checked, bringing the total of bikes already ready to be given away to 165. And over two dozen volunteers contributed more than 100 hours of labor to complete the refurbishing of 38 bicycles and the cleaning of three dozen more.
We’ve finished with refurbishing all of the bikes with coaster brakes and are now working on the larger ten, twelve, 15, 18, and 21 speed bikes. These usually require more time for cleaning and also for adjustment and sometimes replacement of gear shifts and brakes in addition to the usual tires, tubes, and miscellaneous parts. We’ve worked through most of the 24″ bikes and have begun working on the 26″ bikes suitable for high school students–we have about 70 of those to do.
We remain stupendously grateful for all of the volunteers who have spent time in the back of our headquarters cleaning and refurbishing the bicycles you donated. They look great; they work great, and we know they’ll be appreciated.
Yes, if you still have a bike to drop off, you still can, weekdays from 3-6 PM and Saturdays from 12-6 PM at 10750 Little Patuxent Parkway.
And yes, we’d still love to have you volunteer. Shifts are available at those same times; sign up here. Any level of experience with bikes is welcome!
And we found a home for the unicycle! Stay tuned for details!