It’s hard to believe, but our first local Giveaways are only a week away! Unlike last year’s single big show, this year we have scheduled well over a dozen giveaways between December 7 and December 19 in order to reduce gathering sizes during the pandemic.
We are nearing the finish line for refurbishing bicycles. We received 44 more donated bicycles, bringing our total to 855, and 28 volunteers spent 127 hours refurbishing all of those and 48 more, leaving only about 40 adult multispeed bikes to finish.
Race Pace mechanics were here again and safety-checked another 240 of our completed bicycles this week. And we officially recycled what’s left of 30 unrepairable bicycles. We expect to scrap only about 5% of all the bikes that have been donated.
Volunteers are still being scheduled for our Howard Community College Giveaway Day on December 12 as well as smaller Giveaway Days on December 7, December 9, December 18, and December 19 (so far). You can use our volunteer page, and just answer “no” to the first question about changing a bike tire, to sign up for those opportunities. We’re in need of bike wranglers to load and unload trucks, bike helmet distributors, bike selection assistants, check-in staff, and a variety of other roles. We’ll be outside but under cover, sprawled across an entire deck of the East Parking Garage to ensure appropriate distancing.

We are no longer asking for donations of bicycles–the time remaining is too short for us to be able to safely refurbish them. Thank you for your support in donating over 850 bicycles–67% more than last year!
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